Every year we invite our au pairs, host families, local representatives and staff to be part of our running team and to volunteer on the course.
Years of experience
Global mission
Worldwide staff & local reps in the USA
Years of experience
Global mission
Worldwide staff & local reps in the USA
Our mission: to build a community of global families with the power to change the world
80% of au pair recruitment staff are former au pairs
They want to help other young people become au pairs after enjoying a transformative experience during their time in the USA.
Designated U.S. Department of State sponsor
Our team works closely with the U.S. Department of State to ensure that our au pairs are treated fairly and given a quality experience during their time abroad.
Member of IAPA
Cultural Care is a member of the International Au Pair Association (IAPA), and proudly acknowledges their “quality seal of approval”.
Au Pair Ambassador Program
Cultural Care au pairs can join our ambassador community as soon as they match with their host family.
NYC Marathon Running & Volunteering
Every year we invite our au pairs, host families, local representatives and staff to be part of our running team and to volunteer on the course.
IAPA Au Pair of the Year winner
Cultural Care au pair Antonella Arnau from Argentina was chosen as the Au Pair of the Year by the International Au Pair Association.
Community events
We host 350+ in-person and online events for our au pairs and host families every year, including baseball games, resume building seminars, apple-picking, and online Bingo.
Cultural Care Kids First Foundation: supporting children in need around the world
Molo Mhlaba
We donated USD 50,000 to sponsor a classroom at a STEM school for girls in South Africa.
Casa Alianza
We donated USD 8,000 to build an urban garden in Mexico City for vulnerable teens.